This month we celebrate Valentine’s Day, the day for cards, candy, and, yes, kisses! While candy may not be good for your health and should be enjoyed in moderation, apparently kisses and affection are good for you and help lower your stress hormones which can lead to other health benefits. Lower stress hormones are linked to lower blood pressure. Hugging and kissing also help the body release oxytocin, which is referred to as the cuddle chemical, and dopamine, which creates feelings of pleasure.

A report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine found that people who are isolated or lonely have a higher risk of heart disease and depression. Other researchers have found that when affection is taken away, people don’t sleep as well, are in more physical pain, and are more susceptible to secondary immune disorders. One study from the publication Psychological Science, of over 400 adults, even found that, when exposed to the cold virus, hug deprived people got sick more often and more seriously than those who reported to receive lots of hugs.

So go ahead and show your affection to those you love. You may be gifting more than just your love; you may be gifting them good health!