Pecan pie can be powerful but so can your mind. While the holiday season can be a challenging time to lose weight or maintain weight loss, you can still stay on track.
- Remind yourself of why you have chosen to change to a healthier lifestyle and remind yourself how far you have come.
- Aim to just maintain weight loss during the holidays rather than putting pressure on yourself to lose weight.
- Lean in to a support system which may include family, friends, co-workers, or even your medical professionals.
- Plan ahead and be prepared when it comes to holiday gatherings. Think about what type of foods might be offered at these gatherings and either bring a few snacks that are more in line with your healthy lifestyle or eat before you arrive so you aren’t arriving starving and vulnerable to making poor food choices.
- Give yourself a few seconds and think before you eat to decide if it’s really worth giving into a craving or an easy fix.
- Take the emphasis off of the food at holiday gatherings and put it on the socializing. Distance yourself from the rooms where food is displayed and focus on conversing in other areas of the party.
- It’s ok to say “no, thank you.” You don’t have to partake in decadent food in the name of being a good guest. Enjoy a sparkling water or a small glass of wine to feel like you are part of the party.
- Don’t deprive yourself completely. It’s ok to have a drink; just be sure to choose options without sugary mixers. And don’t let the alcohol compromise your willpower to say no to foods you might otherwise avoid.
- Be kind to yourself and if you do make a regrettable food choice, know that you can pick yourself up and get back on track.