July 2024 Links

Valuable links from your July 2024 edition of Through the Wire:

Page 1:

Sun’s Out, Shades On

To learn more about VSP, go to vsp.com

To learn more about your EWTF Health Care Plan benefits, go to https://www.ewtf.org/health-care-plan/plan-OVERVIEW

Page 2:

It’s a Good Day for Ice Cream

To learn more, go to https://www.virtahealth.com/

Retired? Need Money?

To learn more about your EWTF Individual Account Plan, go to https://www.ewtf.org/individual-account-plan/plan-overview/

Page 3:

The IAP Gives You Options
https://www.ewtf.org/through-the-wire/your-individual-account-plan/the-iap-gives-you-options/ ‎

To learn more about your EWTF Individual Account Plan, go to https://www.ewtf.org/individual-account-plan/plan-overview/

Page 4:

Covering Hardship Withdrawals
https://www.ewtf.org/through-the-wire/your-individual-account-plan/covering-hardship-withdrawals/ ‎

To learn more about your EWTF Individual Account Plan, go to https://www.ewtf.org/individual-account-plan/plan-overview/