Are You Aware of Your Risks?

Are your lifestyle choices putting you on the road to diabetes? Lifestyle risk factors for diabetes include: Smoking: Of the U.S. adults diagnosed with diabetes between 2017-2020, 22.1% were tobacco users and 36% had quit tobacco but had a history of smoking 100...

November is National Diabetes Month

November marks both the start of the holiday season and also National Diabetes Month. It’s no coincidence that a push for education and awareness about diabetes, a disease that can be both caused by and controlled by diet, comes at a time of year when eating and...

Be Tricky with Healthier Halloween Treats

You don’t want to be the house that hands out an apple or box of raisins to trick-or-treaters (you’ll gain a reputation in no time!) but you can be the house that puts a healthier—while still fun—spin on Halloween. Instead of candy, try handing out themed prizes such...

Listen Up, Guys!

Although far less common than breast cancer in women, breast cancer can and does get diagnosed in men too! Since everyone is born with breast tissue, anyone, including men, can get breast cancer. Male breast cancer is typically diagnosed in older men but it is...

What is the BRCA Gene?

BRCA stands for BReast CAncer gene and everyone is born with two copies—BRCA1 and BRCA2—inherited from each parent. The purpose of BRCA is to repair damaged DNA but a change or mutation in either the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene increases the risk of certain cancers, including...

What is a Mammogram?

Mammograms are x-rays of the breast tissue that look for signs of breast cancer. They are non-invasive screenings that, per the American Cancer Society, women age 45-54 (without a family history or without the BRCA gene mutation) should receive annually. Women age 55...