Not All Hearts Are the Same

Matters of the heart can be quite different in men and women. Heart attack in both men and women is often described as chest heaviness but women also report nausea, sweating, vomiting and pain in the neck, jaw, throat, abdomen or back. Women can even have diseases...

This Month is National Women’s Health Month

Just a few days ago, we celebrated all of the moms in our lives on Mother’s Day. But the month of May is more than Mother’s Day; it’s a month-long focus on women’s health through the National Women’s Health Month initiative. That’s right, doting on the women in our...

When Food Is the Enemy

When someone says allergies, most people think seasonal allergies, but about 20 million Americans—16 million adults and 4 million children—suffer from food allergies. The most common food allergies come from nine food items—milk, soy, eggs, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts,...

Ahhh…I See What You Are Saying

If you are an allergy sufferer and have to view springtime through watery, itchy eyes or if you have ever injured your eyes, you know how precious good vision and eye health can be. Do you know that in addition to prescription eyeglasses, prescription safety glasses...

Things That Make You Go…ACHOO!

Birds, bees, and things that make you sneeze; that’s what springtime is made of. That’s right; the birds are chirping, the sun is out, bees are busy making our flowers grow and your eyes are too swollen and nose too stuffy to appreciate the arrival of a new season....