June Honors Men With Men’s Health Month

June is National Men’s Health Month and just like women, men have a Top 10 list of their own when it comes to the health risks they face. The Top 10 health risks challenging men today are: 1.  Cardiovascular Disease 2.  Diabetes 3.  Skin Cancer 4.  Prostate Cancer 5. ...

Got Leave?

The EWTF provides a Pregnancy Leave Benefit to active participants (not spouses, daughters, or other dependents) should the participant be unable to work during any part of her last 13 weeks of pregnancy. This benefit is only payable if the participant is not...

Oh Baby!

Want to learn more about healthy pregnancy and save some money too? UHC, our medical network provider, offers a Maternity Management Program that provides prenatal education to all EWTF participants and spouses. The program focuses on promoting good health for mother...

Screen, Scan, and Survive

The EWTF offers comprehensive care for female participants, from well visits and screenings to maternity coverage. One routine pap smear, which screens for cervical cancer, is covered per year, as is a related office visit. One mammogram, to scan for breast cancer, is...

Not All Hearts Are the Same

Matters of the heart can be quite different in men and women. Heart attack in both men and women is often described as chest heaviness but women also report nausea, sweating, vomiting and pain in the neck, jaw, throat, abdomen or back. Women can even have diseases...

This Month is National Women’s Health Month

Just a few days ago, we celebrated all of the moms in our lives on Mother’s Day. But the month of May is more than Mother’s Day; it’s a month-long focus on women’s health through the National Women’s Health Month initiative. That’s right, doting on the women in our...