June 2024 Links

Valuable links from your June 2024 edition of Through the Wire: Page 1: June Honors Men With Men’s Health Month June Honors Men With Men’s Health Month To learn more about your EWTF Health Care Plan benefits, go to https://www.ewtf.org/health-care-plan/plan-OVERVIEW...

The Retirement Blues Are Real

Since the day you started on the job you’ve been working on your retirement. That’s right; every hour you’ve worked has put you that much closer to a robust retirement, to the ability to retire on your terms. But what really happens the day after your hang up the...

Men and Cancer: Prevent, Screen, Treat

While some cancers are obviously gender-specific cancers (think prostate/testicular and ovarian/uterine cancers) some cancers simply affect one gender more than the other. Men take first place when it comes to colorectal, lung, and skin cancer. (Prostate cancer is the...

Swap & Save Calories & Fat

Is your idea of a perfect Sunday grilling sausages and cracking open a beer on the deck? Yes, it’s not a bad way to spend your day of rest, but that kind of diet isn’t doing anything good for your body. While we wouldn’t dare tell you to give up all of the things you...

Don’t Let Your Heart Skip a Beat

A stressed-out heart can become a heart without a beat if you give in to cardiovascular disease, which can result in heart attack or stroke if left unchecked and uncontrolled. The phrase “cardiovascular disease” is really an umbrella term for any number of...

June Honors Men With Men’s Health Month

June is National Men’s Health Month and just like women, men have a Top 10 list of their own when it comes to the health risks they face. The Top 10 health risks challenging men today are: 1.  Cardiovascular Disease 2.  Diabetes 3.  Skin Cancer 4.  Prostate Cancer 5. ...